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Student Orientation

Coordinator 2018

This was my third summer working for the New Student Orientation office, and every summer is a little bit interesting and life changing in its own way. This summer I worked as one of coordinators for the 33 SOLs. Being a coordinator means that I was in charge of recruitment and training for the 2018 SOL class, as well as making sure orientation runs smoothly.

Nothing has tested my leadership and communication skills as much as this position. Every day, I had to make sure that the SOLs were doing what they were supposed to, that they were getting along, and that presenters were present and timely. 

Most of what I gained from this experience happened outside of the job itself. This position has perks that you can't describe with words. Not only did I see new students' anxieties dissipate as they acclimated to their new school, but I saw the SOLs develop over the summer. Watching these SOLs learn more about each other and themselves, watching them discover who they are and what they enjoy, and seeing them get more comfortable with leading their peers is so encouraging. Being able to help promote an environment for growth is what this job is all about. 

It breaks my heart that this summer is my last chance to work with orientation, because orientation has provided me with a family that I know will last forever.

Click the button here to see the SOL video that was created to showcase the summer's experiences! -------------------->

2018 SOCs 🐾#BBOLetsGo
Orientation gives a whole new meaning to
It's a great day to be a new Bearcat! 🐾
Really not ready to stop living a floor
Great crew, grat tim.jpg
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